Monday, July 17, 2006

In November, Arizona will vote on an initiative that would reward one voter in each election with a million dollar payout. The goal is to increase voter interest and turnout.

Initial Reaction: That is just wrong

Second Reactions:

  • States already run lotteries to achieve certain objectives (i.e. school funding), is this initiative so different?

  • One possible advantage of US federalism is that states can serve as laboratories for democracy. A lottery-style payout that increased voter participation by increasing political interest and debate would be a positive result. While I don’t think that is the likely outcome, what would be the harm in finding out? This proposal is so off the wall we don’t have any solid way to predict the outcome. Of course the result might be (probably would be) an increase in cynical, greedy voters but how can we know unless we try? If the measure doesn't produce a desirable outcome, it could always be repealed.

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